Go-To-Market strategy and implementation.



How does your business connect with its customers? From the initial contact with a potential customer to the fulfillment of your brand promise, understanding how to communicate your unique value to your target audience is crucial. These elements are the backbone of your Go-To-Market Strategy.


This strategy combines key business drivers such as sales, marketing, distribution, pricing, brand development, competitive analysis, and consumer insights. It outlines a strategic action plan that specifies how to engage your target customers and stand out in your marketplace. Effective for both new product launches and the management of existing offerings, Go-to-market strategies are integral to your business success.


Benefits of a robust Go-To-Market Strategy include:

- Reduced time to market.

- Lower costs from avoided failed product launches.

- Increased adaptability to market changes.

- Enhanced management of innovation challenges.

- Improved customer experience.

- Compliance with regulatory requirements.

- Support for successful product launches.

- Avoidance of common market entry errors.

- Foundation for business growth.

- Clear direction and business planning for all stakeholders.


Developing a comprehensive Go-To Market Strategy involves time and resources but ensures a viable and sustainable pathway to market success.



What’s Inside Your Go-to-Market Strategy?


A Go-To-Market Strategy aims to improve business outcomes by aligning with the evolving needs of your customers. An effective strategy for your business should include a detailed plan covering six critical elements:


1. Markets: Determine the markets you plan to target.

2. Customers: Define who your target customers are.

3. Channels: Identify where your target customers shop and where you will promote your products.

4. Product or Service: Describe what you are offering and the unique value it brings to each customer group.

5. Price: Set pricing for each customer group.

6. Positioning: Establish your unique selling proposition and how you will connect with and appeal to your target customers.


Successfully addressing these components positions you to craft an effective Go-To Market Strategy.


Kontaras focuses on optimal market entry strategies, notably in Southeast Asian markets, emphasizing the importance of relationships in securing reliable partners and using agents effectively.


For example, many US and EU companies have prospered in Southeast Asia through agents, partners, or distributors, with over 5,000 firms establishing regional operations. These firms actively embrace new products and are eager for new opportunities. Regular visits and close contact with local representatives are vital.


In these markets, price, quality, and service are paramount. Western businesses must recognize the strong competition and the expectation of excellent after-sales service. Selling techniques vary by industry and product but generally match those in other advanced markets.



Parthership, Co-Investment and Risk sharing.


Risk sharing involves developing strategic relationships with partners, fostering an integrated approach that delivers significant value to both Kontaras and its partners through collaborative efforts.


Kontaras, like its partners, has made substantial investments in market development and readiness. Similarly, each partner invests their own resources and efforts in various areas including presence planning, delivery, and maintenance. This joint endeavor aims to develop world-class services or products in local markets.


The guiding principle of this approach is straightforward: partners making larger investments are entitled to a proportional share of the revenue as the project achieves its objectives.


Kontaras will enable partners to:

- Align each partner’s focus on the relationship between investment and profit.

- Offer partners more autonomy, free from the constraints of traditional contractual details and procedures.

- Consolidate the best go-to-market practices.

- Foster the integration of diverse cultures and skills.

- Involve all parties in the pursuit of strategic objectives.


This model of partnership, co-investment, and risk sharing not only enhances the potential for innovation and success but also strengthens the relationships between all involved, creating a robust foundation for future collaborative ventures.

South East Asia markets overview, intelligence and trends.


Understanding market trends is crucial for your business to maximize opportunities and stay competitive. It's essential to conduct thorough market research on your competitors to anticipate their next moves and capitalize on any weaknesses.


Kontaras can provide insights into various aspects, including:

- Demand for your product or service—whether it is growing or shrinking.

- Current general economic and market trends.

- Potential shifts in consumer requirements and behaviors.

- Competitors’ services and their pricing.

- Innovations in your competitors' pipeline that might render your offerings outdated.

- Strategic shifts in your competitors' plans.

- An overview of competitors’ marketing and promotional strategies.

- Upcoming legislation that could impact your market.


Additionally, we compile reports featuring regional data, which highlight key economic indicators, IT and e-commerce trade statistics, dominant countries in the market, and market shares.


Kontaras aims to provide clients with insights on which nations are favorable for investment and why, as well as other factors influencing trade, such as digitalization, political climates, and trade agreements. We also offer an overview of the best prospective sectors, major infrastructure projects, significant government procurements, and business opportunities to give our partners a comprehensive perspective.


For instance, investors and exporters will find promising markets in Southeast Asia for industry sectors such as aircraft and parts, medical devices, environmental control equipment, computer hardware, software and peripherals, telecommunications equipment, laboratory and scientific equipment, oil and gas, semiconductors, industrial automation, and education.